Welcome to Safe Connections and Resources
What is Safe Connections and Resources?
Safe Connections and Resources is an internet home created to support parents, professionals, grandparents, teachers, safety volunteers, advocates and community leaders as they work to improve traffic safety, save lives and reduce injuries.
It is a place to easily access the network of information about programs, issues and facts and resources available to each region of the U.S. where volunteers like the NAWHSL (National Association of Women Highway Safety Leaders) and many partners offer support and accessible links to needed information.

Safety Conference Dates
National Association of Women Highway Safety Leaders (NAWHSL)
- 2015: Omni Nashville, Nashville TN, August 27 – 30
- 2016: Sheraton Seattle, Seattle WA, August 24-27
- 2017: Louisville Marriott Downtown, Louisville KY September 12 – 16
- 2018: Atlanta, Georgia
- 2019: Anaheim, California, August 22
- 2020: Virtual conference
- 2021: Virtual conference, October 19
- 2022: Louisville, Kentucky
- 2023: New York, New York
- Additional related conferences
Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA)
- 2015: Omni Nashville, Nashville TN, August 30 – September 2
- 2016: Sheraton Seattle, Seattle WA, August 27-31
- 2017: Louisville Marriott Downtown, Louisville KY, September 16 – 20
- 2018: Atlanta, Georgia, August 25-29
- 2019: Anaheim, California, August 24-28
- 2020: Virtual webinars, June to September
- 2021: Denver, Colorado, September 11-15
- 2022: Louisville, Kentucky, September 17–21
- 2023: New York, New York, August 12–16
- 2016: Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach CA, April 3-5
- 2017: Charlotte Convention Center, Charlotte, NC, March 26-28
- 2018: San Antonio, Texas, April 22-24
- 2019: Louisville, Kentucky, March 31-April 2
- 2020: Tampa, Florida, March 15-17
- 2021: Online conference, April 26-28
- 2022: Hyatt Regency Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, March 13-15
- 2023: Washington State Convention Center, Seattle, Washington, April 2-4
- 2024: Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Colorado, April 7-9
Which areas are represented?
Each State is represented in the ten regions designated in the USA. Note the states in each region from Guam in the West to the Virgin Islands in the East provided by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Regions
- Region 1: Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont
- Region 2: Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands
- Region 3: Delaware, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia
- Region 4: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and Tennessee
- Region 5: Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin
- Region 6: Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, and Indian Nations
- Region 7: Arkansas, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska
- Region 8: Colorado, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming
- Region 9: Arizona, California, Hawaii, and Pacific Territories
- Region 10: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, and Washington
This map was supplied by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), and each Region has a National Association of Women Highway Safety Leaders (NAWHSL) Regional Director to serve her region.